Earthy Pre-Sales

Available for order March 1-22.

Plastic Free Starter Packs and Naples Soap Company Products

Plastic shampoo, conditioner, and soap bottles last forever. With Naples Soap Company products, you can ditch the plastic and still get high quality products. The prices are discounted to promote going PLASTIC-FREE!

Live Wildly Swag

Live Wildly will have an awesome booth at our market, but if you’d like to sport/support their cause for our Earth Day Celebration, purchase a hat or sunglasses in advance. There will be a CSN Parent Association Volunteer Booth at the market and if you stop by wearing your Live Wildly hat or sunglasses you will get a great prize.

Official Earth Day T-Shirts

Our winning design was created by 7th-grader, Angie Aguilera-Ochoa. Middle School teachers and students will order in Advisory (not on this form). All other members (parents, teachers, students, etc.) of our CSN community should order here.

Native Butterfly Bundles

Everglades Champions is Action is a group of 14 middle and upper school students working on a project to build a CSN Native Butterfly Corridor. To purchase a bundle, attract a certain butterfly, and join our corridor, order here.

Toon-Your Pets

Our very own Mr. Reyes will “toon” your pet for $. To order, have a digital photo ready to upload and click on this form.